Welcome to the Autists Online webring! This is a webring for websites on the indie web with autistic webmasters. We believe that autistic identity and expression is something to be accepted and embraced! Any site is allowed, so long as the webmaster is autistic (professional diagnosis, or self-diagnosis with the proper amount of research), and as they follow the rules set below!
NOTICE: Autists Online has changed owners! If you're a pre-existing member, feel free to update your widget links, or contact me if you want to update your information/be removed from the webring.
- Sites don't have to include content specifically relating to being autistic. The webmaster just has to be autistic!
- No hate speech!
- No harmful misinfo on real-world topics, like health!
- Adult/explicit content must have appropriate warnings!
- No social media! Handmade, non-commercial websites only! This excludes websites that exclusively function as an 'about me' and 'where to find me on social media' page.
- To expand on that last point; your site should have a minimum of 2-3 completed pages, aside from the homepage, an 'about me' page, or a 'social media links' page. This is to ensure that, even if your site is abandoned tomorrow, those going through our webring will still have plenty to look at on your site!
- If your site is updated in a way that breaks the rules after being added to the webring, it will be removed.
How to join:
If you follow the above rules, and you're interested in joining the Autists Online Webring, copy and fill out the form below, then e-mail it to konamiesque@proton.me with a subject line that directly mentions the listing! (For example, 'Autists Online Application'.)
We ask that you do not use the word 'Asperger's' in your site description. You can use it on your own personal site; we just like to avoid that label on this site specifically, due to who it was named after (ie, a Nazi).
I will contact you once you've been added to the webring, so please take care to check back to see if and when you've been accepted! Once you're in, please put one of these codes wherever you want the webring's widget to be:

And voila! You're in! You're showing off your autistic pride; now consider checking out the other sites in the ring, and start connecting with people like you!